Sheet Management#

In the Graviti SDK, Sheet and DataFrame are interpretations of the same thing at different levels.

Sheet refers to the form of data organization that is one level lower than the dataset. One dataset can have many different sheets, such as train, test, or frame-by-frame pictures from different videos. Each sheet has its own schema.

Graviti SDK organizes the data of a sheet into a DataFrame format, which makes it more convenient and intuitive to get and modify the data.

More details about the DataFrame, Schema and Search are as follows:

In the Graviti SDK, the relationship between sheet name, DataFrame and dataset is like the relationship between key, value and dict. Thus, SDK supports managing sheets like manipulating the dict in python.

The following will introduce more details about the sheet management methods in the SDK. First of all, it is necessary to get a dataset:

from graviti import Workspace

ws = Workspace(f"{YOUR_ACCESSKEY}")
dataset = ws.datasets.get(f"{DATASET_NAME}")

Create a Sheet#

First Initialize a DataFrame:

>>> from graviti import DataFrame
>>> data = [
...    {"filename": "a.jpg"},
...    {"filename": "b.jpg"},
...    {"filename": "c.jpg"},
... ]
>>> df = DataFrame(data)
>>> df
0  a.jpg
1  b.jpg
2  c.jpg

Set the DataFrame into dataset, then commit it:

dataset[f"{SHEET_NAME}"] = df

List Sheets#

List sheet names :


Get a Sheet#

Get a sheet by name:


Delete a Sheet#

Delete a sheet by name:

del dataset[f"{SHEET_NAME}"]