
All operations related to modifying data require a draft first. Draft can be viewed as a writable dataset in SDK.

The following sections will introduce the operations and precautions related to drafts in the SDK. Of course, it is necessary to get a dataset first:

from graviti import Workspace

ws = Workspace(f"{YOUR_ACCESSKEY}")
dataset = ws.datasets.get(f"{DATASET_NAME}")

Create a Draft#

SDK provides method create() to support creating a draft based on a branch:

dataset.drafts.create(f"{DRAFT_TITLE}", branch=f"{BRANCH_NAME}")

If no branch is specified, the created draft will be based on the current branch of the dataset:


In addition to title, it is also allowed to add description to the draft:

dataset.drafts.create(f"{DRAFT_TITLE}", f"{DRAFT_DESCRIPTION}")


Graviti use number, not title, to uniquely identify drafts.

List Drafts#

SDK provides method list() to support listing drafts. Drafts can be filtered by state including OPEN, COMMITTED, CLOSED and ALL:


Drafts can also be filtered by the branch name:


If neither the state nor the branch name is specified, then all open drafts on all branches will be returned:


Get a Draft#

SDK provides method get() to support getting a draft by number:


Edit the Draft#

SDK provides method edit() to support changing the title and description of the draft:

draft = dataset.drafts.get(DRAFT_NUMBER)
draft.edit(title=f"{NEW_TITLE}", description=f"{NEW_DESCRIPTION}")

Upload the Draft#

SDK provides method upload() to support uploading the local draft to Graviti. This step is essential if the user wants to save changes to the sheet of the dataset.

draft = dataset.drafts.get(DRAFT_NUMBER)
del draft["train"]


SDK supports specifying the max workers in multi-thread upload. The default is 8.

Commit the Draft#

SDK provides method commit() to support committing a draft. This action means that a new commit will be created and all the changes from the draft will be saved into this commit. Furthermore, it is not allowed to read or upload data on a committed draft:

draft = dataset.drafts.get(DRAFT_NUMBER)

In addition to title, it is also allowed to add description to the commit:

draft.commit(f"{COMMIT_TITLE}", f"{COMMIT_DESCRIPTION}")

In this case, SDK will automatically update the version of the dataset after committing the draft. And all modifications on the dataset will be lost.

>>> dataset = ws.datasets.get("Graviti-dataset-demo")
>>> dataset.HEAD.name  # The version of the dataset is Branch("main").
>>> dataset.HEAD.commit_id
>>> draft = dataset.drafts.create("draft-4", branch="dev")
>>> draft.commit("commit-4")
  (commit_id): '3db73ac2876a42c0bf43a0489ce1756a',
  (parent): Commit("1b21a40f03ab4cec814ec47ee0d10b24"),
  (title): 'commit-4',
  (committer): 'graviti-example',
  (committed_at): 2022-07-21 04:23:45+00:00
>>> dataset.HEAD.name  # The version of the dataset has been updated to Branch("dev").
>>> dataset.HEAD.commit_id

Users can avoid the automatic update by setting update_dataset_head to False:

>>> dataset = ws.datasets.get("Graviti-dataset-demo")
>>> dataset.HEAD.name  # The version of the dataset is Branch("main").
>>> dataset.HEAD.commit_id
>>> draft = dataset.drafts.create("draft-5", branch="dev")
>>> draft.commit("commit-5", update_dataset_head=False)
  (commit_id): '781007a41d1641859c87cb00f8e32bf3',
  (parent): Commit("3db73ac2876a42c0bf43a0489ce1756a"),
  (title): 'commit-5',
  (committer): 'graviti-example',
  (committed_at): 2022-07-21 04:24:45+00:00
>>> dataset.HEAD.name  # The version of the dataset has not been updated.
>>> dataset.HEAD.commit_id

Close the Draft#

SDK provides method close() to support closing a draft: This action means that all changes made on this draft will be dropped. And the closed draft cannot be reopened. Furthermore, it is not allowed to read or upload data on a closed draft:

draft = dataset.drafts.get(DRAFT_NUMBER)