
Graviti supports tagging specific commits in a dataset’s history as being important, for example, to mark release revisions (v1.0, v2.0 and so on).

Before operating tags, a dataset with existing commits is needed:

from graviti import Workspace

ws = Workspace(f"{YOUR_ACCESSKEY}")
dataset = ws.datasets.get(f"{DATASET_NAME}")

Create a Tag#

SDK provides method create() to support creating a tag based on a revision. The revision can be one commit ID:

dataset.tags.create(f"{TAG_NAME}", f"{COMMIT_ID}")

The revision can also be the branch name. In this situation, the tag will be created based on the latest commit of the branch:

dataset.tags.create(f"{TAG_NAME}", f"{BRANCH_NAME}")

The revision can also be the tag name. SDK supports creating multiple tags based on the same commit:

dataset.tags.create(f"{TAG_NAME}", f"{SOURCE_TAG_NAME}")

If no tag is specified, the created tag will be based on the current commit of the dataset:


List Tags#

SDK provides method list() to support listing tags:


Get a Tag#

SDK provides method get() to support getting a tag by name:


Delete a Tag#

SDK provides method delete() to support deleting a tag by name:


Checkout Tag#

SDK provides method checkout() to support switching the version of the dataset by tags:

# Check whether the dataset version is correct.