Source code for graviti.exception

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2022 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.

"""Basic concepts of Graviti custom exceptions."""

from subprocess import CalledProcessError
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar

from requests.models import Response

[docs]class GravitiException(Exception): """This is the base class for Graviti custom exceptions. Arguments: message: The error message. """ def __init__(self, message: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__() self._message = message def __str__(self) -> str: return self._message if self._message else ""
[docs]class UtilityError(GravitiException): """This is the base class for custom exceptions in Graviti utility module."""
[docs]class ImageDecodeError(UtilityError): """This class defines the exception for the image decode errors."""
[docs]class PortexError(GravitiException): """This is the base class for custom exceptions in Graviti portex module."""
[docs]class FieldNameConflictError(PortexError): """This class defines the exception for the portex field name error."""
[docs]class GitNotFoundError(PortexError): """This class defines the exception for the git command not found error. Arguments: message: The error message. """ _MESSAGE = ( "'git' command failed, most likely due to the 'git' is not installed.\n" "Please install 'git' first:" ) def __init__(self, message: str = _MESSAGE): super().__init__(message)
[docs]class GitCommandError(PortexError): """This class defines the exception for the git command related error. Arguments: message: The error message. called_process_error: The CalledProcessError raised from the """ def __init__(self, message: str, called_process_error: CalledProcessError): super().__init__(message) self.called_process_error = called_process_error def __str__(self) -> str: error = self.called_process_error return ( f"{self._message}\n" f" command: {error.cmd}\n" f" returncode: {error.returncode}\n" f" stdout: {error.stdout.decode()}\n" f" stderr: {error.stderr.decode()}" )
[docs]class OperationError(GravitiException): """This is the base class for custom exceptions in Graviti operation module."""
[docs]class ObjectCopyError(OperationError): """This class defines the exception for object copy error."""
[docs]class ManagerError(GravitiException): """This is the base class for custom exceptions in Graviti manager module."""
[docs]class CriteriaError(ManagerError): """This class defines the exception for invalid search criteria."""
[docs]class StatusError(ManagerError): """This class defines the exception for illegal status."""
[docs]class NoCommitsError(StatusError): """This class defines the exception for illegal operations on dataset with no commit history."""
[docs]class ResourceNameError(ManagerError): """This class defines the exception for invalid resource names.""" def __init__(self, resource: str, name: str) -> None: super().__init__() self._resource = resource self._name = name def __str__(self) -> str: return f'The {self._resource} name "{self._name}" is invalid'
[docs]class ResponseError(ManagerError): """This class defines the exception for post response error. Arguments: response: The response of the request. Attributes: response: The response of the request. """ # _INDENT = " " * len(__qualname__) # type: ignore[name-defined] STATUS_CODE: int ERROR_CODE: Optional[str] def __init__( self, message: Optional[str] = None, *, response: Optional[Response] = None ) -> None: super().__init__(message) if response is not None: self.response = response def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: cls._INDENT = " " * len(cls.__name__) def __str__(self) -> str: if hasattr(self, "response"): return ( f"Unexpected status code({self.response.status_code})! {self.response.url}!" f"\n{self._INDENT} {self.response.text}" ) return super().__str__()
_R = TypeVar("_R", bound=Type[ResponseError])
[docs]class ResponseErrorRegister: """A class decorator to register the ResponseError into the distributor. Arguments: status_code: The http status code of the specific ResponseError. error_code: The response error code of the specific ResponseError. """ RESPONSE_ERROR_DISTRIBUTOR: Dict[Tuple[int, Optional[str]], Type[ResponseError]] = {} def __init__(self, status_code: int, error_code: Optional[str] = None) -> None: self._status_code = status_code self._error_code = error_code def __call__(self, response_error: _R) -> _R: """Register the ResponseError into the distributor. Arguments: response_error: The response error needs to be registered. Returns: The input response error class unchanged. """ response_error.STATUS_CODE = self._status_code response_error.ERROR_CODE = self._error_code self.RESPONSE_ERROR_DISTRIBUTOR[(self._status_code, self._error_code)] = response_error return response_error
@ResponseErrorRegister(403, "AccessDenied")
[docs]class AccessDeniedError(ResponseError): """This class defines the exception for access denied response error."""
@ResponseErrorRegister(403, "Forbidden")
[docs]class ForbiddenError(ResponseError): """This class defines the exception for illegal operations Graviti forbids."""
@ResponseErrorRegister(400, "InvalidParamsValue")
[docs]class InvalidParamsError(ResponseError): """This class defines the exception for invalid parameters response error."""
@ResponseErrorRegister(409, "NameConflict")
[docs]class NameConflictError(ResponseError): """This class defines the exception for name conflict response error."""
@ResponseErrorRegister(400, "RequestParamsMissing")
[docs]class RequestParamsMissingError(ResponseError): """This class defines the exception for request parameters missing response error."""
[docs]class NotFoundError(ResponseError): """This class defines the exception for 404 not found response error without error code."""
@ResponseErrorRegister(404, "ResourceNotExist")
[docs]class ResourceNotExistError(NotFoundError): """This class defines the exception for resource not existing response error."""
@ResponseErrorRegister(500, "InternalServerError")
[docs]class InternalServerError(ResponseError): """This class defines the exception for internal server error."""
@ResponseErrorRegister(401, "Unauthorized")
[docs]class UnauthorizedError(ResponseError): """This class defines the exception for unauthorized response error."""
[docs]class ServiceUnavailableError(ResponseError): """This class defines the exception for 503 service unavailable error without error code."""