Source code for graviti.file.image_size

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2022 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.

"""Functions to get image size."""

import struct
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple

from _io import BufferedReader

from graviti.exception import ImageDecodeError
from graviti.utility import ModuleMocker

    from PIL import Image
except ModuleNotFoundError:
[docs] Image = ModuleMocker( "Only support getting the size of " "JPEG, PNG, JPEG2000, GIF, BMP, GIF, TIFF, ICO, WebP, Flif formats. " "Please install pillow to process this file" )
[docs]def get_image_size(path: Path) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Get the height and width of the input image file. Arguments: path: The path of the image. Returns: The height and width of the input image. """ with"rb") as fp: header = for image_format in ImageFormatBase.__subclasses__(): if image_format.check(header, path.stat().st_size): return image_format.get_image_size(header, fp) return # type: ignore[no-any-return]
[docs]class ImageFormatBase: """The base class for different image formats.""" @classmethod
[docs] def check(cls, header: bytes, size: int) -> bool: """Check if the input header fits the current image format. Arguments: header: The header of the image. size: The size of the image. Returns: Whether if the input header fits the current image format. """ return cls._check(header, size)
[docs] def get_image_size(cls, header: bytes, fp: BufferedReader) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Get the height and width through the input data. Arguments: header: The header of the image or the entire image. fp: The image file pointer. Returns: The height and width of the image. Raises: ImageDecodeError: When the input image file is invalid. """ try: return cls._get_image_size(header, fp) except (struct.error, IndexError, ValueError, TypeError): raise ImageDecodeError(f"Invalid {cls.__name__} file") from None
@staticmethod def _get_image_size(header: bytes, fp: BufferedReader) -> Tuple[int, int]: raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def _check(header: bytes, size: int) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class JPEG(ImageFormatBase): """The class for JPEG image format.""" @staticmethod def _check(header: bytes, size: int) -> bool: return size >= 2 and header.startswith(b"\377\330") @staticmethod def _get_image_size(header: bytes, fp: BufferedReader) -> Tuple[int, int]: size = 2 ftype = 0 while not 0xC0 <= ftype <= 0xCF or ftype in {0xC4, 0xC8, 0xCC}:, 1) byte = while ord(byte) == 0xFF: byte = ftype = ord(byte) size = struct.unpack(">H",[0] - 2 # We are at a SOFn block, 1) # Skip `precision' byte. height, width = struct.unpack(">HH", return height, width
[docs]class PNG(ImageFormatBase): """The class for PNG image format.""" @staticmethod def _check(header: bytes, size: int) -> bool: return size >= 24 and header[1:4] == b"PNG" and header[12:16] == b"IHDR" @staticmethod def _get_image_size(header: bytes, fp: BufferedReader) -> Tuple[int, int]: width, height = struct.unpack(">LL", header[16:24]) return height, width
[docs]class OldPNG(ImageFormatBase): """The class for an older version of PNG image format.""" @staticmethod def _check(header: bytes, size: int) -> bool: return size >= 16 and header[1:4] == b"PNG" @staticmethod def _get_image_size(header: bytes, fp: BufferedReader) -> Tuple[int, int]: width, height = struct.unpack(">LL", header[8:16]) return height, width
[docs]class GIF(ImageFormatBase): """The class for GIF image format.""" @staticmethod def _check(header: bytes, size: int) -> bool: return size >= 10 and header[:6] in {b"GIF87a", b"GIF89a"} @staticmethod def _get_image_size(header: bytes, fp: BufferedReader) -> Tuple[int, int]: width, height = struct.unpack("<HH", header[6:10]) return height, width
[docs]class JPEG2000(ImageFormatBase): """The class for JPEG 2000 image format.""" @staticmethod def _check(header: bytes, size: int) -> bool: return size >= 12 and header.startswith(b"\x00\x00\x00\x0cjP \r\n\x87\n") @staticmethod def _get_image_size(header: bytes, fp: BufferedReader) -> Tuple[int, int]: height, width = struct.unpack(">LL", return height, width
[docs]class BMP(ImageFormatBase): """The class for BMP image format.""" @staticmethod def _check(header: bytes, size: int) -> bool: return size >= 26 and header[:2] == b"BM" @staticmethod def _get_image_size(header: bytes, fp: BufferedReader) -> Tuple[int, int]: headersize = struct.unpack("<I", header[14:18])[0] if headersize == 12: width, height = struct.unpack("<HH", header[18:22]) elif headersize >= 40: width, height = struct.unpack("<ii", header[18:26]) height = abs(height) # height is inverted, so abs() the result else: raise ImageDecodeError("Invalid BMP file") return height, width
[docs]class TIFF(ImageFormatBase): """The class for TIFF image format.""" _TIFF_TYPES = { byte_order_sign: { 1: (1, byte_order_sign + "B"), # BYTE 2: (1, byte_order_sign + "c"), # ASCII 3: (2, byte_order_sign + "H"), # SHORT 4: (4, byte_order_sign + "L"), # LONG 5: (8, byte_order_sign + "LL"), # RATIONAL 6: (1, byte_order_sign + "b"), # SBYTE 7: (1, byte_order_sign + "c"), # UNDEFINED 8: (2, byte_order_sign + "h"), # SSHORT 9: (4, byte_order_sign + "l"), # SLONG 10: (8, byte_order_sign + "ll"), # SRATIONAL 11: (4, byte_order_sign + "f"), # FLOAT 12: (8, byte_order_sign + "d"), # DOUBLE } for byte_order_sign in (">", "<") } @staticmethod def _check(header: bytes, size: int) -> bool: return size >= 8 and header[:4] in {b"II\052\000", b"MM\000\052"} @staticmethod def _get_image_size(header: bytes, fp: BufferedReader) -> Tuple[int, int]: # Standard TIFF, big- or little-endian # BigTIFF and other different but TIFF-like formats are not # supported currently byte_order_sign = ">" if header[:2] == b"MM" else "<" # maps TIFF type id to size (in bytes) # and python format char for struct tiff_types = TIFF._TIFF_TYPES[byte_order_sign] ifd_offset = struct.unpack(byte_order_sign + "L", header[4:8])[0] # 2 bytes: TagId + 2 bytes: type + 4 bytes: count of values + 4 # bytes: value offset width, height = -1, -1 digit_type = byte_order_sign + "H" for i in range(struct.unpack(digit_type,[0]): entry_offset = ifd_offset + 2 + i * 12 tag = struct.unpack(digit_type,[0] if tag in {256, 257}: # if type indicates that value fits into 4 bytes, value # offset is not an offset but value itself type_ = struct.unpack(digit_type,[0] try: type_size, type_char = tiff_types[type_] except KeyError: raise ImageDecodeError(f"Unkown TIFF field type: {type_}") from None + 8) value = int(struct.unpack(type_char,[0]) if tag == 256: width = value else: height = value if width > -1 and height > -1: break if width == -1 or height == -1: raise ImageDecodeError( "Invalid TIFF file: width and/or height IDS entries are missing." ) return height, width
[docs]class ICO(ImageFormatBase): """The class for ICO image format.""" @staticmethod def _check(header: bytes, size: int) -> bool: return ( size >= 2 and struct.unpack("<H", header[:2])[0] == 0 and struct.unpack("<H", header[2:4])[0] == 1 ) @staticmethod def _get_image_size(header: bytes, fp: BufferedReader) -> Tuple[int, int]: # read the dimensions of the first image return header[7], header[6]
[docs]class WebP(ImageFormatBase): """The class for WebP image format.""" @staticmethod def _check(header: bytes, size: int) -> bool: return size >= 24 and header[:4] == b"RIFF" and header[8:12] == b"WEBP" @staticmethod def _get_image_size(header: bytes, fp: BufferedReader) -> Tuple[int, int]: signature = header[12:16] if signature == b"VP8L": digits = struct.unpack("4B", header[21:25]) width = 1 + (((digits[1] & 0b111111) << 8) | digits[0]) height = 1 + ( ((digits[3] & 0b1111) << 10) | (digits[2] << 2) | ((digits[1] & 0b11000000) >> 6) ) elif signature == b"VP8 ": sc_a, sc_b, sc_c = struct.unpack("3B", header[23:26]) if sc_a != 0x9D or sc_b != 0x01 or sc_c != 0x2A: raise ImageDecodeError("Missing start code block for lossy WebP image") width, height = struct.unpack("<HH", elif signature == b"VP8X": width, height = struct.unpack("<HxH", header[24:] + width, height = width + 1, height + 1 else: raise ImageDecodeError("Invalid WebP file") return height, width
[docs]class FLIF(ImageFormatBase): """The class for Flif image format.""" @staticmethod def _check(header: bytes, size: int) -> bool: return size >= 16 and header[:4] == b"FLIF" @staticmethod def _get_image_size(header: bytes, fp: BufferedReader) -> Tuple[int, int]: width, size = FLIF._read_varint(header[6:]) height, _ = FLIF._read_varint(header[6 + size :]) return height + 1, width + 1 @staticmethod def _read_varint(data: bytes) -> Tuple[int, int]: values = [] for byte in data: value = byte & 0b01111111 has_leading_bit = byte & 0b10000000 values.append(value) if not has_leading_bit: break result = 0 for i, value in enumerate(reversed(values)): result |= value << (i * 7) return result, len(values)