Source code for graviti.manager.action

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2022 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.

"""The implementation of the Action and ActionManager."""

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional

from graviti.exception import ResourceNameError
from graviti.manager.common import LIMIT
from graviti.manager.lazy import LazyPagingList
from graviti.openapi import (
from graviti.utility import (

    from graviti.manager.dataset import Dataset

[docs]class Action(ReprMixin): """This class defines the structure of an action. Arguments: dataset: Class :class:`~graviti.dataset.dataset.Dataset` instance. response: The response of the OpenAPI associated with the action:: { "id": <str>, "name": <str>, "edition": <int>, "state": <str>, "payload": <str>, }, Attributes: name: The name of this action. edition: The edition of this action. state: The state of this action. payload: The payload of this action. """ _repr_attrs = ("edition", "state") def __init__(self, dataset: "Dataset", response: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self._dataset = dataset self._id: str = response["id"] str = response["name"] self.edition: int = response["edition"] self.state: str = response["state"] self.payload: str = response["payload"] def _repr_head(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{}")' def _edit( self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, state: Optional[str] = None, payload: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: _workspace = self._dataset.workspace response = update_action( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,,, name=name, state=state, payload=payload, ) = response["name"] self.edition = response["edition"] self.state = response["state"] self.payload = response["payload"] @property
[docs] def runs(self) -> "RunManager": """Get class :class:`~graviti.manager.action.RunManager` instance. Returns: Required :class:`~graviti.manager.action.RunManager` instance. """ return RunManager(self)
[docs] def edit(self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, payload: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Update the action. Arguments: name: The new name of the action. payload: The new paylaod of the action. """ self._edit(name=name, payload=payload)
[docs] def enable(self) -> None: """Enable the action.""" self._edit(state="ENABLED")
[docs] def disable(self) -> None: """Disable the action.""" self._edit(state="DISABLED")
[docs]class ActionManager: """This class defines the operations on the action in Graviti. Arguments: dataset: :class:`~graviti.manager.dataset.Dataset` instance. """ def __init__(self, dataset: "Dataset") -> None: self._dataset = dataset def _generate( self, offset: int, limit: int, *, sort: SortParam ) -> Generator[Action, None, int]: _dataset = self._dataset _workspace = _dataset.workspace response = list_actions( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,, sort=sort, offset=offset, limit=limit, ) for item in response["actions"]: yield Action(_dataset, item) return response["total_count"] # type: ignore[no-any-return]
[docs] def create(self, name: str, payload: str) -> Action: """Create an action. Arguments: name: The name of the action. payload: The payload of the action. Returns: The :class:`.Action` instance with the given name. """ _dataset = self._dataset _workspace = _dataset.workspace response = create_action( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,, name=name, payload=payload, ) return Action(_dataset, response)
[docs] def get(self, name: str) -> Action: """Get the action with the given name. Arguments: name: The required action name. Raises: ResourceNameError: When the given name is an empty string. Returns: The :class:`.Action` instance with the given name. """ check_type("name", name, str) if not name: raise ResourceNameError("action", name) _dataset = self._dataset _workspace = _dataset.workspace response = get_action( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,, action=name, ) return Action(_dataset, response)
[docs] def list(self, *, sort: SortParam = None) -> LazyPagingList[Action]: """List the information of actions. Arguments: sort: The column and the direction the list result sorted by. Returns: The LazyPagingList of :class:`actions<.Action>` instances. """ return LazyPagingList( lambda offset, limit: self._generate(offset, limit, sort=sort), LIMIT, )
[docs] def delete(self, name: str) -> None: """Delete an action. Arguments: name: The name of the action to be deleted. Raises: ResourceNameError: When the given name is an empty string. """ check_type("name", name, str) if not name: raise ResourceNameError("action", name) _workspace = self._dataset.workspace delete_action( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,, action=name, )
[docs]class Run(ReprMixin): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """This class defines the structure of an action run. Arguments: action: Class :class:`~graviti.manager.action.Action` instance. response: The response of the OpenAPI associated with the action run:: { "id": <str>, "number": <int>, "name": <str>, "workflow_id": <str>, "status": <int>, "arguments": <dict>, "started_at": <str>, "ended_at": <str>, }, Attributes: number: The number of this action run. name: The name of this action run. status: The status of this action run. arguments: The arguments of this action run. started_at: The start time of this action run. ended_at: The end time of this action run. duration: The duration of this action run. """ _repr_attrs = ("status", "arguments", "started_at", "ended_at", "duration") def __init__(self, action: Action, response: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self._action = action self._workflow_id = response["workflow_id"] self.number = response["number"] = response["name"] self.status = response["status"] self.arguments: Dict[str, Any] = response["arguments"] self.started_at = convert_iso_to_datetime(response["started_at"]) ended_at = response["ended_at"] if ended_at is not None: self.ended_at: Optional[datetime] = convert_iso_to_datetime(ended_at) self.duration: Optional[timedelta] = self.ended_at - self.started_at else: self.ended_at = None self.duration = None if "nodes" in response: nodes: Any = [Node(self, item) for item in response["nodes"]] self.nodes = nodes def _repr_head(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{}")' @CachedProperty
[docs] def nodes(self) -> List["Node"]: # pylint: disable=method-hidden """Get the nodes of the action run. Returns: The nodes of the action run. """ _action = self._action _dataset = _action._dataset # pylint: disable=protected-access _workspace = _dataset.workspace response = get_action_run( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,,, run_number=self.number, ) return [Node(self, item) for item in response["nodes"]]
[docs] def url(self) -> str: """Get the url of the action run. Returns: The url of the action run. Raises: ValueError: When the access key format is wrong. """ _action = self._action _dataset = _action._dataset # pylint: disable=protected-access _workspace = _dataset.workspace if _workspace.access_key.startswith("Accesskey-"): url = "" elif _workspace.access_key.startswith("ACCESSKEY-"): url = "" else: raise ValueError("Wrong accesskey format!") return ( f"{url}/dataset/{}/{}/actions/{}/" f"{self._workflow_id[len( :]}?fullId={self._workflow_id}" )
[docs] def cancel(self) -> None: """Cancel the action run.""" _action = self._action _dataset = _action._dataset # pylint: disable=protected-access _workspace = _dataset.workspace response = cancel_action_run( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,,, run_number=self.number, ) self.status = response["status"] self.ended_at = response["ended_at"] nodes: Any = [Node(self, item) for item in response["nodes"]] self.nodes = nodes
[docs]class RunManager: """This class defines the operations on the action run in Graviti. Arguments: action: :class:`~graviti.manager.action.Action` instance. """ def __init__(self, action: Action) -> None: self._action = action def _generate(self, offset: int, limit: int, *, sort: SortParam) -> Generator[Run, None, int]: _action = self._action _dataset = _action._dataset # pylint: disable=protected-access _workspace = _dataset.workspace response = list_action_runs( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,,, sort=sort, offset=offset, limit=limit, ) for item in response["runs"]: yield Run(_action, item) return response["total_count"] # type: ignore[no-any-return]
[docs] def create(self, arguments: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Run: """Run an action manually. Arguments: arguments: The arguments of the action run. Returns: The :class:`.Run` instance with the given arguments. """ _action = self._action _dataset = _action._dataset # pylint: disable=protected-access _workspace = _dataset.workspace response = create_action_run( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,,, arguments=arguments, ) return Run(_action, response)
[docs] def get(self, run_number: int) -> Run: """Get the action with the given name. Arguments: run_number: The number of the action run. Returns: The :class:`.Action` instance with the given name. """ check_type("run_number", run_number, int) _action = self._action _dataset = _action._dataset # pylint: disable=protected-access _workspace = _dataset.workspace response = get_action_run( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,,, run_number=run_number, ) return Run(_action, response)
[docs] def list(self, *, sort: SortParam = None) -> LazyPagingList[Run]: """List the information of action runs. Arguments: sort: The column and the direction the list result sorted by. Returns: The LazyPagingList of :class:`runs<.Run>` instances. """ return LazyPagingList( lambda offset, limit: self._generate(offset, limit, sort=sort), LIMIT, )
[docs]class Node(ReprMixin): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """This class defines the structure of a node of action run. Arguments: run: Class :class:`~graviti.manager.action.Run` instance. response: The response of the OpenAPI associated with the action run node:: { "id": <str>, "name": <str>, "display_name": <str>, "phase": <str>, "started_at": <str>, "ended_at": <str>, "children": <list[str]>, }, Attributes: node_id: The id of this action run node. name: The name of this action run node. display_name: The display name of this action run node. phase: The phase of this action run node. started_at: The start time of this action run node. ended_at: The end time of this action run node. duration: The duration of this action run node. children: The children of this action run node. """ _repr_attrs = ("node_id", "phase", "started_at", "ended_at", "duration") def __init__(self, run: Run, response: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self._run = run self.node_id: str = response["id"] str = response["name"] self.display_name: str = response["display_name"] self.phase: str = response["phase"] self.started_at = convert_iso_to_datetime(response["started_at"]) ended_at = response["ended_at"] if ended_at is not None: self.ended_at: Optional[datetime] = convert_iso_to_datetime(ended_at) self.duration: Optional[timedelta] = self.ended_at - self.started_at else: self.ended_at = None self.duration = None self.children: List[str] = response["children"] def _repr_head(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{self.display_name}")'