Source code for graviti.manager.draft

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2022 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.

"""The implementation of the Draft and DraftManager."""

from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple

import pyarrow as pa

from graviti.exception import StatusError
from graviti.manager.branch import Branch
from graviti.manager.commit import Commit
from graviti.manager.common import ALL_BRANCHES, CURRENT_BRANCH, LIMIT, check_head_status
from graviti.manager.lazy import LazyPagingList
from graviti.manager.sheets import Sheets
from graviti.openapi import (
from graviti.operation import SheetOperation
from graviti.paging.factory import LazyLowerCaseFactory
from graviti.utility import check_type, convert_iso_to_datetime

    from graviti.manager.dataset import Dataset

[docs]class Draft(Sheets): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """The basic structure of the Graviti draft. Arguments: dataset: Class :class:`~graviti.dataset.dataset.Dataset` instance. response: The response of the OpenAPI associated with the draft:: { "id": <str> "number": <int> "state": <str> "title": <str> "description": <str> "branch": <str> "parent_commit_id": <Optional[str]> "creator": <str> "created_at": <str> "updated_at": <str> } Attributes: number: The number of the draft. state: The draft state which includes "OPEN", "CLOSED", "COMMITTED". title: The title of the draft. description: The draft description. branch: The based branch of the draft. parent: The parent of the draft. creator: The creator of the draft. created_at: The time when the draft is created. updated_at: The time of last update. """ _repr_attrs: Tuple[str, ...] = ("state", "branch", "creator", "created_at", "updated_at") def __init__( self, dataset: "Dataset", response: Dict[str, Any], ) -> None: self._dataset = dataset self.number: int = response["number"] self.state: str = response["state"] self.title: str = response["title"] self.description: str = response["description"] self.branch: str = response["branch"] parent_commit_id = response["parent_commit_id"] self.parent = None if parent_commit_id is None else Commit(dataset, parent_commit_id) self.creator: str = response["creator"] self.created_at = convert_iso_to_datetime(response["created_at"]) self.updated_at = convert_iso_to_datetime(response["updated_at"]) self.operations: List[SheetOperation] = [] def _repr_head(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("#{self.number}: {self.title}")' def _list_data(self, offset: int, limit: int, sheet_name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: _workspace = self._dataset.workspace return list_draft_data( # type: ignore[no-any-return] _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,, draft_number=self.number, sheet=sheet_name, offset=offset, limit=limit, )["data"] def _list_sheets(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: _workspace = self._dataset.workspace return list_draft_sheets( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,, draft_number=self.number, ) def _get_sheet(self, sheet_name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: _workspace = self._dataset.workspace return get_draft_sheet( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,, draft_number=self.number, sheet=sheet_name, with_record_count=True, )
[docs] def edit(self, *, title: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Update title and description of the draft. Arguments: title: The title of the draft. description: The description of the draft. """ _workspace = self._dataset.workspace response = update_draft( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,, draft_number=self.number, title=title, description=description, ) self.title = response["title"] self.description = response["description"] self.updated_at = convert_iso_to_datetime(response["updated_at"])
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close the draft.""" _workspace = self._dataset.workspace response = update_draft( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,, draft_number=self.number, state="CLOSED", ) self.state = response["state"] self.updated_at = convert_iso_to_datetime(response["updated_at"])
[docs] def commit( self, title: str, description: Optional[str] = None, update_dataset_head: bool = True ) -> Branch: """Commit the current draft. Arguments: title: The commit title. description: The commit description. update_dataset_head: Whether to update the dataset HEAD. * | True (the default value): The dataset will be updated to the committed version. At this time, previous modifications to the dataset will be lost. * | False: The HEAD of the dataset will not be updated. This can be set if the user needs to continue with some operations on the dataset. Returns: The :class:`~graviti.manager.branch.Branch` instance. Examples: The default scenario: ``update_dataset_head`` is True. >>> dataset = ws.datasets.get("Graviti-dataset-demo") >>> # The version of the dataset is Branch("main"). "main" >>> dataset.HEAD.commit_id "524d110ecae7474eaec9471f4a6c28b0" >>> draft = dataset.drafts.create("draft-4", branch="dev") >>> draft.commit("commit-4") Branch("dev")( (commit_id): '3db73ac2876a42c0bf43a0489ce1756a', (parent): Commit("1b21a40f03ab4cec814ec47ee0d10b24"), (title): 'commit-4', (committer): 'graviti-example', (committed_at): 2022-07-19 04:23:45+00:00 ) >>> # The version of the dataset has been updated to Branch("dev"). "dev" >>> dataset.HEAD.commit_id "3db73ac2876a42c0bf43a0489ce1756a" Set ``update_dataset_head`` to False. >>> dataset = ws.datasets.get("Graviti-dataset-demo") >>> # The version of the dataset is Branch("main"). "main" >>> dataset.HEAD.commit_id "524d110ecae7474eaec9471f4a6c28b0" >>> draft = dataset.drafts.create("draft-5", branch="dev") >>> draft.commit("commit-5", update_dataset_head=False) Branch("dev")( (commit_id): '781007a41d1641859c87cb00f8e32bf3', (parent): Commit("3db73ac2876a42c0bf43a0489ce1756a"), (title): 'commit-5', (committer): 'graviti-example', (committed_at): 2022-07-19 04:25:45+00:00 ) >>> # The version of the dataset has not been updated. "main" >>> dataset.HEAD.commit_id "524d110ecae7474eaec9471f4a6c28b0" """ _dataset = self._dataset _workspace = _dataset.workspace branch_info = commit_draft( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,, draft_number=self.number, title=title, description=description, ) branch_info["name"] = self.branch branch = Branch.from_response(_dataset, branch_info) draft_info = get_draft( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,, draft_number=self.number, ) self.state = draft_info["state"] self.updated_at = convert_iso_to_datetime(draft_info["updated_at"]) if update_dataset_head: _dataset._data = branch # pylint: disable=protected-access return branch
[docs] def upload(self, jobs: int = 8, quiet: bool = False) -> None: """Upload the local dataset to Graviti. Arguments: jobs: The number of the max workers in multi-thread upload, the default is 8. quiet: Set to True to stop showing the upload process bar. """ modified_sheets = {name: df for name, df in self.items() if df.operations} self._upload_to_draft(self.number, jobs, quiet) for name, df in modified_sheets.items(): patype = df.schema.to_pyarrow(_to_backend=True) factory = LazyLowerCaseFactory( len(df), LIMIT, partial(self._list_data, sheet_name=name), pa.struct([pa.field(RECORD_KEY, pa.string()), *patype]), ) df._refresh_data_from_factory( # pylint: disable=protected-access) factory, self._dataset.object_permission_manager )
[docs]class DraftManager: """This class defines the operations on the draft in Graviti. Arguments: dataset: :class:`~graviti.manager.dataset.Dataset` instance. """ def __init__(self, dataset: "Dataset") -> None: self._dataset = dataset def _generate( self, state: str, branch: Optional[str], offset: int, limit: int, ) -> Generator[Draft, None, int]: _dataset = self._dataset _workspace = _dataset.workspace response = list_drafts( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,, state=state, branch=branch, offset=offset, limit=limit, ) for item in response["drafts"]: yield Draft(_dataset, item) return response["total_count"] # type: ignore[no-any-return]
[docs] def create( self, title: str, description: Optional[str] = None, branch: str = CURRENT_BRANCH ) -> Draft: """Create a draft. Arguments: title: The draft title. description: The draft description. branch: The branch name. The default value is the current branch of the dataset. Returns: The :class:`.Draft` instance with the given title and description. Raises: StatusError: When creating the draft without basing on a branch. """ _dataset = self._dataset _workspace = _dataset.workspace head = _dataset.HEAD if branch is CURRENT_BRANCH: if not isinstance(head, Branch): raise StatusError( "The current dataset is not on a branch, please checkout a branch first " "or input the argument 'branch'" ) branch = response = create_draft( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,, title=title, branch=branch, description=description, ) check_head_status(head, branch, response["parent_commit_id"]) return Draft(_dataset, response)
[docs] def get(self, draft_number: int) -> Draft: """Get the certain draft with the given draft number. Arguments: draft_number: The required draft number. Returns: The :class:`.Draft` instance with the given number. """ check_type("draft_number", draft_number, int) _dataset = self._dataset _workspace = _dataset.workspace response = get_draft( _workspace.access_key, _workspace.url,,, draft_number=draft_number, ) return Draft(_dataset, response)
[docs] def list(self, state: str = "OPEN", branch: str = ALL_BRANCHES) -> LazyPagingList[Draft]: """List all the drafts. Arguments: state: The draft state which includes "OPEN", "CLOSED", "COMMITTED", "ALL". The default value is "OPEN". branch: The branch name. The default value is all branches. Returns: The LazyPagingList of :class:`drafts<.Draft>` instances. """ if branch is ALL_BRANCHES: _branch = None else: check_type("branch", branch, str) _branch = branch return LazyPagingList( lambda offset, limit: self._generate(state, _branch, offset, limit), LIMIT, )