Source code for graviti.paging.lists

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2022 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.

"""Paging list related class."""

from functools import partial
from itertools import chain, repeat
from typing import (

import pyarrow as pa

from graviti.paging.offset import Offsets
from import LazyPage, MappedLazyPage, MappedPage, MappedPageBase, Page, PageBase
from graviti.utility import ReprMixin, ReprType

    from graviti.paging.factory import LazyFactory

_T = TypeVar("_T")
_PLB = TypeVar("_PLB", bound="PagingListBase[Any]")
_PL = TypeVar("_PL", bound="PagingList[Any]")
_MPL = TypeVar("_MPL", bound="MappedPagingList[Any]")
_PPL = TypeVar("_PPL", bound="PyArrowPagingList[Any]")

[docs]class PagingListBase(Sequence[_T], ReprMixin): """PagingListBase is the base class of the paging list related classes. Arguments: array: The input sequence. """ _repr_type = ReprType.SEQUENCE _array_creator = tuple _pages: List[PageBase[_T]] _offsets: Offsets def __init__(self, iterable: Iterable[_T]) -> None: array = self._array_creator(iterable) self._init(array) def __len__(self) -> int: return self._offsets.total_count def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[_T]: return chain(*self._pages) @overload def __setitem__(self, index: int, value: _T) -> None: ... @overload def __setitem__(self: _PLB, index: slice, value: Union[Iterable[_T], _PLB]) -> None: ... def __setitem__( self: _PLB, index: Union[int, slice], value: Union[_T, Iterable[_T], _PLB] ) -> None: if isinstance(index, int): self.set_item(index, value) elif isinstance(value, self.__class__): self.set_slice(index, value) else: self.set_slice_iterable(index, value) # type: ignore[arg-type] def __delitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice]) -> None: if isinstance(index, slice): start, stop, step = index.indices(self.__len__()) if step == 1: pass elif step == -1: start, stop = stop + 1, start + 1 else: ranging: Any = range(start, stop, step) if step > 0: ranging = reversed(ranging) for i in ranging: self._update_pages(i, i + 1) return else: index = self._make_index_nonnegative(index) start = index stop = index + 1 self._update_pages(start, stop) @overload def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> _T: ... @overload def __getitem__(self: _PLB, index: slice) -> _PLB: ... def __getitem__(self: _PLB, index: Union[int, slice]) -> Union[_T, _PLB]: if isinstance(index, int): return self.get_item(index) # type: ignore[no-any-return] return self.get_slice(index) def __iadd__(self: _PLB, values: Union[_PLB, Iterable[_T]]) -> _PLB: if isinstance(values, self.__class__): self.extend(values) else: self.extend_iterable(values) return self def _init(self, array: Sequence[_T]) -> None: length = len(array) self._pages = [Page(array)] if length != 0 else [] self._offsets = Offsets(length, length) def _make_index_nonnegative(self, index: int) -> int: return index if index >= 0 else len(self) + index def _get_slice_positive_step( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals self, start: int, stop: int, step: int ) -> List[PageBase[_T]]: if start >= stop: return [] _pages = self._pages start_i, start_j = self._offsets.get_coordinate(start) stop_i, stop_j = self._offsets.get_coordinate(stop - 1) stop_j += 1 if start_i == stop_i: return [_pages[start_i].get_slice(start_j, stop_j, step)] if step == 1: return [ _pages[start_i].get_slice(start_j), *_pages[start_i + 1 : stop_i], _pages[stop_i].get_slice(stop=stop_j), ] start_page = _pages[start_i] offset = len(start_page) - start_j pages = [start_page.get_slice(start_j, step=step)] for page in _pages[start_i + 1 : stop_i]: slice_start = -offset % step page_length = len(page) if slice_start < page_length: pages.append(page.get_slice(slice_start, step=step)) offset += page_length stop_page = _pages[stop_i] slice_start = -offset % step if slice_start < stop_j: pages.append(stop_page.get_slice(slice_start, stop_j, step)) return pages def _get_slice_negative_step( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals self, start: int, stop: int, step: int ) -> List[PageBase[_T]]: if start <= stop: return [] _pages = self._pages stop_j: Optional[int] start_i, start_j = self._offsets.get_coordinate(start) stop_i, stop_j = self._offsets.get_coordinate(stop + 1) stop_j = stop_j - 1 if stop_j != 0 else None if start_i == stop_i: return [_pages[start_i].get_slice(start_j, stop_j, step)] if step == -1: return [ _pages[start_i].get_slice(start_j, step=step), *(page.get_slice(step=step) for page in _pages[start_i - 1 : stop_i : -1]), _pages[stop_i].get_slice(stop=stop_j, step=step), ] start_page = _pages[start_i] offset = start_j + 1 pages = [start_page.get_slice(start_j, step=step)] for page in _pages[start_i - 1 : stop_i : -1]: page_length = len(page) slice_start = page_length + offset % step - 1 if slice_start >= 0: pages.append(page.get_slice(slice_start, step=step)) offset += page_length stop_page = _pages[stop_i] slice_start = len(stop_page) + offset % step - 1 if slice_start > (stop_j if stop_j is not None else -1): pages.append(stop_page.get_slice(slice_start, stop_j, step)) return pages def _update_pages( self, start: int, stop: int, pages: Optional[Sequence[PageBase[_T]]] = None ) -> None: if start >= stop and not pages: return stop = max(start, stop) start_i, start_j = self._offsets.get_coordinate(start) stop_i, stop_j = self._offsets.get_coordinate(stop - 1) update_pages: List[PageBase[_T]] = [] update_lengths = [] left_page = self._pages[start_i].get_slice(stop=start_j) left_length = len(left_page) if left_length: update_pages.append(left_page) update_lengths.append(left_length) if pages: update_pages.extend(pages) update_lengths.extend(map(len, pages)) right_page = self._pages[stop_i].get_slice(stop_j + 1) right_length = len(right_page) if right_length: update_pages.append(right_page) update_lengths.append(right_length) self._pages[start_i : stop_i + 1] = update_pages self._offsets.update(start_i, stop_i, update_lengths) def _update_pages_with_step(self: _PLB, start: int, stop: int, step: int, values: _PLB) -> None: length = len(values) ranging: Any = range(start, stop, step) indices: Any = range(length) if length != len(ranging): raise ValueError( f"attempt to assign sequence of size {length} " f"to extended slice of size {len(ranging)}" ) if step > 0: ranging = reversed(ranging) indices = reversed(indices) offsets = values._offsets # pylint: disable=protected-access pages = values._pages # pylint: disable=protected-access for i, j in zip(ranging, indices): x, y = offsets.get_coordinate(j) self._update_pages(i, i + 1, [pages[x][y : y + 1]])
[docs] def get_item(self, index: int) -> _T: """Get the element in PagingList at the given index. Arguments: index: The input index. Returns: The element at the given index. """ index = self._make_index_nonnegative(index) i, j = self._offsets.get_coordinate(index) return self._pages[i].get_item(j)
[docs] def get_slice(self: _PLB, index: slice) -> _PLB: """Get the sliced PagingList at the given slice. Arguments: index: The input slice. Returns: The sliced PagingList at the given slice. """ start, stop, step = index.indices(len(self)) pages = ( self._get_slice_positive_step(start, stop, step) if step > 0 else self._get_slice_negative_step(start, stop, step) ) offsets = Offsets(0, 0) offsets.extend(map(len, pages)) obj: _PLB = object.__new__(self.__class__) # pylint: disable=protected-access obj._pages = pages obj._offsets = offsets return obj
[docs] def set_item(self, index: int, value: _T) -> None: """Update the element value in PagingList at the given index. Arguments: index: The element index. value: The value needs to be set into the PagingList. """ index = self._make_index_nonnegative(index) page = Page(self._array_creator((value,))) self._update_pages(index, index + 1, [page])
[docs] def set_slice(self: _PLB, index: slice, values: _PLB) -> None: """Update the element values at the given slice with input PagingList. Arguments: index: The element slice. values: The PagingList which contains the elements to be set. Raises: ValueError: When the input size mismatches with the slice size (when step != 1). """ start, stop, step = index.indices(len(self)) if step == 1: self._update_pages(start, stop, values._pages) # pylint: disable=protected-access return if step == -1: start, stop = stop + 1, max(start, stop) + 1 if len(values) != stop - start: raise ValueError( f"attempt to assign sequence of size {len(values)} " f"to extended slice of size {stop - start}" ) self._update_pages( start, stop, [ page.get_slice(step=-1) for page in reversed(values._pages) # pylint: disable=protected-access ], ) return self._update_pages_with_step(start, stop, step, values)
[docs] def set_slice_iterable(self, index: slice, values: Iterable[_T]) -> None: """Update the element values in PagingList at the given slice with iterable object. Arguments: index: The element slice. values: The iterable object which contains the elements to be set. Raises: ValueError: When the assign input size mismatches with the slice size (when step != 1). """ start, stop, step = index.indices(len(self)) if step == 1: array = self._array_creator(values) self._update_pages(start, stop, [Page(array)] if len(array) != 0 else None) return if step == -1: try: values = reversed(values) # type: ignore[call-overload] except TypeError: values = reversed(list(values)) array = self._array_creator(values) start, stop = stop + 1, max(start, stop) + 1 if len(array) != stop - start: raise ValueError( f"attempt to assign sequence of size {len(array)} " f"to extended slice of size {stop - start}" ) self._update_pages(start, stop, [Page(array)] if len(array) != 0 else None) return self._update_pages_with_step(start, stop, step, self.__class__(self._array_creator(values)))
[docs] def extend(self: _PLB, values: _PLB) -> None: """Extend PagingList by appending elements from another PagingList. Arguments: values: The PagingList which contains the elements to be extended. """ pages = values._pages # pylint: disable=protected-access self._offsets.extend(map(len, pages)) self._pages.extend(pages)
[docs] def extend_iterable(self, values: Iterable[_T]) -> None: """Extend PagingList by appending elements from the iterable. Arguments: values: Elements to be extended into the PagingList. """ page = Page(self._array_creator(values)) self._offsets.extend((len(page),)) self._pages.append(page)
[docs] def extend_nulls(self, size: int) -> None: """Extend PagingList by appending nulls. Arguments: size: The size of the nulls to be extended. """ page = Page(self._array_creator(repeat(None, size))) self._offsets.extend((len(page),)) self._pages.append(page) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] def copy(self: _PLB) -> _PLB: """Return a copy of the paging list. Returns: A copy of the paging list. """ obj: _PLB = object.__new__(self.__class__) # pylint: disable=protected-access obj._pages = self._pages.copy() obj._offsets = self._offsets.copy() return obj
[docs]class PagingList(PagingListBase[_T]): """PagingList is a list composed of multiple lists (pages).""" @classmethod
[docs] def from_factory( cls: Type[_PL], factory: "LazyFactory", keys: Tuple[str, ...], mapper: Callable[[Any], _T], ) -> _PL: """Create PagingList from LazyFactory. Arguments: factory: The parent :class:`LazyFactory` instance. keys: The keys to access the array from factory. mapper: A callable object to convert every item in the pyarrow array. Returns: The PagingList instance created from given factory. """ obj: _PL = object.__new__(cls) def get_array(pos: int, keys: Tuple[str, ...]) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: return tuple(map(mapper, factory.get_array(pos, keys))) obj._pages = [ LazyPage(length, partial(get_array, pos, keys)) for pos, length in enumerate(factory.get_page_lengths()) ] obj._offsets = factory.get_offsets() return obj
[docs]class MappedPagingList(PagingListBase[_T]): """MappedPagingList is a list composed of multiple mapped pages.""" _pages: List[MappedPageBase[_T]] # type: ignore[assignment] def _init(self, array: Sequence[_T]) -> None: length = len(array) self._pages = [MappedPage(array)] if length != 0 else [] self._offsets = Offsets(length, length) @classmethod
[docs] def from_array( cls: Type[_MPL], array: Sequence[_T], mapper: Callable[[Any], _T], ) -> _MPL: """Create MappedPagingList from the source array. Arguments: array: The source array of the paging list. mapper: A callable object to convert every item in the pyarrow array. Returns: The PagingList instance created from the given array. """ length = len(array) obj: _MPL = object.__new__(cls) obj._pages = [MappedLazyPage(length, lambda: array, mapper)] obj._offsets = Offsets(length, length) return obj
[docs] def from_factory( cls: Type[_MPL], factory: "LazyFactory", keys: Tuple[str, ...], mapper: Callable[[Any], _T], ) -> _MPL: """Create MappedPagingList from LazyFactory. Arguments: factory: The parent :class:`LazyFactory` instance. keys: The keys to access the array from factory. mapper: A callable object to convert every item in the pyarrow array. Returns: The PagingList instance created from given factory. """ obj: _MPL = object.__new__(cls) obj._pages = [ MappedLazyPage(length, partial(factory.get_array, pos, keys), mapper) for pos, length in enumerate(factory.get_page_lengths()) ] obj._offsets = factory.get_offsets() return obj
[docs] def copy( # type: ignore[override] # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self: _MPL, copier: Callable[[_T], _T], mapper: Callable[[Any], _T], ) -> _MPL: """Return a copy of the paging list. Arguments: copier: A callable object to convert loaded items in the source page to the copied page. mapper: The mapper of the new mapped page. Returns: A copy of the paging list. """ obj: _MPL = object.__new__(self.__class__) # pylint: disable=protected-access obj._offsets = self._offsets.copy() obj._pages = [page.copy(copier, mapper) for page in self._pages] return obj
[docs]class PyArrowPagingList(PagingListBase[_T]): """PyArrowPagingList is a list composed of multiple pyarrow arrays (pages). Arguments: array: The input pyarrow array. """ _array_creator = pa.array _patype: pa.DataType def _init(self, array: pa.Array) -> None: super()._init(array) self._patype = array.type self._array_creator = partial(pa.array, type=array.type) @classmethod
[docs] def from_pyarrow(cls: Type[_PPL], array: pa.Array) -> _PPL: """Create PyArrowPagingList from pyarrow array. Arguments: array: The input pyarrow array. Returns: The PyArrowPagingList instance created from given pyarrow array. """ obj: _PPL = object.__new__(cls) obj._init(array) return obj
[docs] def from_factory( cls: Type[_PPL], factory: "LazyFactory", keys: Tuple[str, ...], patype: pa.DataType ) -> _PPL: """Create PyArrowPagingList from LazyFactory. Arguments: factory: The parent :class:`LazyFactory` instance. keys: The keys to access the array from factory. patype: The pyarrow DataType of the elements in the list. Returns: The PyArrowPagingList instance created from given factory. """ obj: _PPL = object.__new__(cls) obj._pages = [ LazyPage(length, partial(factory.get_array, pos, keys)) for pos, length in enumerate(factory.get_page_lengths()) ] obj._offsets = factory.get_offsets() obj._patype = patype return obj
[docs] def get_slice(self: _PPL, index: slice) -> _PPL: """Get the sliced PyArrowPagingList at the given slice. Arguments: index: The input slice. Returns: The sliced PyArrowPagingList at the given slice. """ obj = super().get_slice(index) obj._patype = self._patype # pylint: disable=protected-access return obj
[docs] def set_slice(self: _PPL, index: slice, values: _PPL) -> None: """Update the element values at the given slice with input PyArrowPagingList. Arguments: index: The element slice. values: The PyArrowPagingList which contains the elements to be set. Raises: ArrowTypeError: When two pyarrow types mismatch. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access if values._patype != self._patype: raise pa.ArrowTypeError( f"Can not set a '{self._patype}' list with a '{values._patype}' list" ) super().set_slice(index, values)
[docs] def extend(self: _PPL, values: _PPL) -> None: """Extend PyArrowPagingList by appending elements from another PyArrowPagingList. Arguments: values: The PyArrowPagingList which contains the elements to be extended. Raises: ArrowTypeError: When two pyarrow types mismatch. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access if values._patype != self._patype: raise pa.ArrowTypeError( f"Can not extend a '{self._patype}' list with a '{values._patype}' list" ) super().extend(values)
[docs] def extend_nulls(self, size: int) -> None: """Extend PyArrowPagingList by appending nulls. Arguments: size: The size of the nulls to be extended. """ page = Page(pa.nulls(size, self._patype)) self._offsets.extend((len(page),)) self._pages.append(page)
[docs] def copy(self: _PPL) -> _PPL: """Return a copy of the paging list. Returns: A copy of the paging list. """ obj = super().copy() # pylint: disable=protected-access obj._array_creator = self._array_creator obj._patype = self._patype return obj
[docs] def to_pyarrow(self) -> pa.ChunkedArray: """Convert the paging list to pyarrow ChunkedArray. Returns: The pyarrow ChunkedArray. """ return pa.chunked_array((page.get_array() for page in self._pages), self._patype)