Source code for graviti.portex.base

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2022 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.
"""The base elements of Portex type."""

import json
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Dict, Optional, Type, TypeVar

import pyarrow as pa
import yaml

from graviti.portex.package import Imports, Package
from graviti.portex.register import PyArrowConversionRegister
from graviti.utility import INDENT, PathLike, UserMutableMapping

    from graviti.dataframe import Container
    from graviti.dataframe.sql.container import ArrayContainer
    from graviti.portex.builtin import PortexBuiltinType
    from graviti.portex.factory import ConnectedFieldsFactory
    from graviti.portex.field import ConnectedFields
    from graviti.portex.param import Params

_T = TypeVar("_T", bound="PortexType")
[docs]class PortexType: """The base class of portex type.""" nullable: bool package: ClassVar[Package[Any]] params: ClassVar["Params"] container: ClassVar[Type["Container"]] element: ClassVar[Type[Any]] search_container: ClassVar[Type["ArrayContainer"]] def __repr__(self) -> str: return self._repr1(0) @classmethod def _from_pyarrow(cls: Type[_T], paarray: pa.Array) -> _T: raise NotImplementedError def _repr1(self, level: int) -> str: with_params = False indent = level * INDENT lines = [f"{self.__class__.__name__}("] for name, parameter in self.params.items(): attr = getattr(self, name) if attr != parameter.default: with_params = True lines.append( f"{INDENT}{name}=" # pylint: disable=protected-access f"{attr._repr1(level + 1) if hasattr(attr, '_repr1') else repr(attr)}," ) if with_params: lines.append(")") return f"\n{indent}".join(lines) return f"{lines[0]})" def _get_column_count(self) -> int: """Get the total column count of the portex type. Returns: The total column count. """ return 1 @property
[docs] def imports(self) -> Imports: """Get the PortexType imports. Returns: The :class:`Imports` instance of this PortexType. """ imports = Imports() cls = self.__class__ imports[cls.__name__] = cls for name in self.params: argument = getattr(self, name) argument_imports = getattr(argument, "imports", None) if argument_imports: imports.update(argument_imports) return imports
[docs] def from_pyobj( cls: Type[_T], content: Dict[str, Any], _imports: Optional["Imports"] = None ) -> _T: """Create Portex type instance from python dict. Arguments: content: A python dict representing a Portex type. Returns: A Portex type instance created from the input python dict. """ if _imports is None: _imports = Imports.from_pyobj(content.get("imports", [])) class_: Type[_T] = _imports[content["type"]] # type: ignore[assignment] assert issubclass(class_, cls) kwargs = {} for name, param in class_.params.items(): kwarg = content.get(name, ...) if kwarg is not ...: kwargs[name] = param.load(kwarg, _imports) type_ = class_(**kwargs) return type_
[docs] def from_pyarrow(cls: Type[_T], paarray: pa.Array) -> _T: """Create Portex type instance from PyArrow type. Arguments: paarray: The PyArrow array. Raises: TypeError: When the PyArrow type is not supported. Returns: The created Portex type instance. """ patype = paarray.type try: portex_type = PYARROW_TYPE_ID_TO_PORTEX_TYPE[] except KeyError: raise TypeError(f'Not supported PyArrow type "{patype}"') from None # pylint: disable=protected-access return portex_type._from_pyarrow(paarray) # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] def from_json(cls: Type[_T], content: str) -> _T: """Create Portex type instance from JSON string. Arguments: content: A JSON string representing a Portex type. Returns: A Portex type instance created from the input JSON string. """ return cls.from_pyobj(json.loads(content))
[docs] def from_yaml(cls: Type[_T], content: str) -> _T: """Create Portex type instance from YAML string. Arguments: content: A YAML string representing a Portex type. Returns: A Portex type instance created from the input YAML string. """ return cls.from_pyobj(yaml.load(content, yaml.Loader))
[docs] def to_pyobj(self, _with_imports: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Dump the instance to a python dict. Returns: A python dict representation of the Portex type. """ pydict: Dict[str, Any] = {} if _with_imports: imports_pyobj = self.imports.to_pyobj() if imports_pyobj: pydict["imports"] = imports_pyobj pydict["type"] = self.__class__.__name__ for name, parameter in self.params.items(): attr = getattr(self, name) if attr != parameter.default: pydict[name] = parameter.dump(attr) return pydict
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: """Dump the instance to a JSON string. Returns: A JSON representation of the Portex type. """ return json.dumps(self.to_pyobj(), ensure_ascii=False)
[docs] def to_yaml(self) -> str: """Dump the instance to a YAML string. Returns: A YAML representation of the Portex type. """ return yaml.dump( # type: ignore[no-any-return] self.to_pyobj(), sort_keys=False, allow_unicode=True )
[docs] def to_pyarrow(self, *, _to_backend: bool = False) -> pa.DataType: """Convert the Portex type to the corresponding builtin PyArrow DataType. Raises: NotImplementedError: The method of the base class should not be called. Return: The corresponding builtin PyArrow DataType. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def to_builtin(self) -> "PortexBuiltinType": """Expand the top level type to Portex builtin type. Raises: NotImplementedError: The method of the base class should not be called. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def copy(self: _T) -> _T: """Get a copy of the portex type. Returns: A copy of the portex type. """ return deepcopy(self)
[docs]class PortexRecordBase( PortexType, UserMutableMapping[str, PortexType] ): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """The base class of record like Portex types.""" _fields_factory: "ConnectedFieldsFactory" @property def _data(self) -> "ConnectedFields": # type: ignore[override] return self._fields_factory({name: getattr(self, name) for name in self.params}) def _get_column_count(self) -> int: """Get the total column count of the record base type. Returns: The total column count. """ return sum( portex_type._get_column_count() # pylint: disable=protected-access for portex_type in self._data.values() )
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, name: str, portex_type: PortexType) -> None: """Insert the name and portex_type at the index. Arguments: index: The index to insert the field. name: The name of the field to be inserted. portex_type: The portex_type of the field to be inserted. """ self._data.insert(index, name, portex_type)
[docs] def astype(self, name: str, portex_type: PortexType) -> None: """Convert the type of the field with the given name to the new PortexType. Arguments: name: The name of the field to convert. portex_type: The new PortexType of the field to convert to. """ self._data.astype(name, portex_type)
[docs] def rename(self, old_name: str, new_name: str) -> None: """Rename the name of a field. Arguments: old_name: The current name of the field to be renamed. new_name: The new name of the field to assign. """ self._data.rename(old_name, new_name)
[docs] def to_pyarrow(self, *, _to_backend: bool = False) -> pa.StructType: """Convert the Portex type to the corresponding builtin PyArrow StructType. Returns: The corresponding builtin PyArrow StructType. """ return pa.struct( [ pa.field(key, value.to_pyarrow(_to_backend=_to_backend)) for key, value in self._data.items() ] )
[docs]def read_yaml(path: PathLike) -> PortexType: """Read a yaml file into Portex type. Arguments: path: The path of the yaml file. Returns: A Portex type instance created from the input yaml file. """ with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as fp: return PortexType.from_pyobj(yaml.load(fp, yaml.Loader))
[docs]def read_json(path: PathLike) -> PortexType: """Read a json file into Portex type. Arguments: path: The path of the json file. Returns: A Portex type instance created from the input json file. """ with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as fp: return PortexType.from_pyobj(json.load(fp))