Source code for graviti.portex.factory

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2022 Graviti. Licensed under MIT License.
"""Template factory releated classes."""

from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import groupby
from typing import (

from graviti.portex import ptype as PTYPE
from graviti.portex.base import PortexRecordBase, PortexType
from graviti.portex.field import ConnectedFields, Fields, FrozenFields
from graviti.portex.package import Imports

_C = TypeVar("_C", str, float, bool, None)
_CFF = TypeVar("_CFF", bound="ConnectedFieldsFactory")

[docs]class Factory: """The base class of the template factory.""" is_unpack: bool = False keys: Dict[str, Any] def __call__(self, _: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """Apply the input arguments to the template. Arguments: _: The input arguments. """
[docs]class FrozenFieldsFactory(Factory): """The factory for FrozenFields. Arguments: decl: The decalaration of frozen fields. imports: The :class:`Imports` instance to specify the import scope of the fields. """ def __init__(self, decl: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], imports: Imports) -> None: self._factories = [FieldFactory(field, imports) for field in decl] def __call__(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> FrozenFields: """Apply the input arguments to the FrozenFields factory. Arguments: kwargs: The input arguments. Returns: The applied FrozenFields. """ return FrozenFields( filter( bool, # type: ignore[arg-type] # (factory(kwargs) for factory in self._factories), ) )
[docs]class FrozenFieldsFactoryWrapper(Factory): """The factory for FrozenFields which needs kwargs transformed. Arguments: factory: The factory of frozen fields. kwargs_transformer: The method to transform the kwargs to the kwargs of base type. """ def __init__( self, factory: Union[FrozenFieldsFactory, "FrozenFieldsFactoryWrapper"], kwargs_transformer: Callable[..., Dict[str, Any]], ) -> None: self._factory = factory self._kwargs_transformer = kwargs_transformer def __call__(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> FrozenFields: """Apply the input arguments to the base FrozenFields factory. Arguments: kwargs: The input arguments. Returns: The applied FrozenFields. """ return self._factory(self._kwargs_transformer(kwargs))
[docs]UnionFieldsFactory = Union[ "VariableFactory", "ConstantFactory", FrozenFieldsFactory, FrozenFieldsFactoryWrapper ]
[docs]class ConnectedFieldsFactory: """The factory for ConnectedFields. Arguments: decl: A dict which indicates a portex type. class_: The base type. imports: The :class:`Imports` instance to specify the import scope of the template. kwargs_transformer: The method to transform the kwargs to the kwargs of base type. """ _factories: List[UnionFieldsFactory] def __init__( self, decl: Dict[str, Any], class_: Type[PortexRecordBase], imports: Imports, kwargs_transformer: Callable[..., Dict[str, Any]], ) -> None: factories: List[UnionFieldsFactory] = [] for base_factory in class_._fields_factory._factories: if not isinstance(base_factory, VariableFactory): if isinstance(base_factory, ConstantFactory): factories.append(base_factory) else: factories.append(FrozenFieldsFactoryWrapper(base_factory, kwargs_transformer)) continue key = base_factory.key if key not in decl: factories.append( ConstantFactory(FrozenFields(deepcopy(class_.params[key].default))) ) continue fields_decl = decl[key] if isinstance(fields_decl, str) and fields_decl.startswith("$"): factories.append(VariableFactory(fields_decl[1:])) continue groups = groupby(fields_decl, lambda x: isinstance(x, str) and x.startswith("+$")) for is_mutable, fields in groups: if is_mutable: for unpack_fields in fields: factories.append(VariableFactory(unpack_fields[2:])) else: factories.append(FrozenFieldsFactory(fields, imports)) self._factories = factories def __call__(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> ConnectedFields: """Apply the input arguments to the ConnectedFields factory. Arguments: kwargs: The input arguments. Returns: The applied ConnectedFields. """ return ConnectedFields(factory(kwargs) for factory in self._factories) @classmethod
[docs] def from_parameter_name(cls: Type[_CFF], name: str) -> _CFF: """Create ConnectedFieldsFactory for Fields with the given parameter name. Arguments: name: The parameter name of the input fields. Returns: The created ConnectedFieldsFactory. """ obj: _CFF = object.__new__(cls) obj._factories = [VariableFactory(name)] return obj
[docs]class TypeFactory(Factory): """The template factory for portex type. Arguments: decl: A dict which indicates a portex type. """ # After removing utility/ in pull request #420, # mypy raises error: Cannot determine type of "class_" [has-type]. # This is a workaround for the above mentioned error. class_: Type[PortexType] def __init__(self, decl: Dict[str, Any], imports: Imports) -> None: class_ = imports[decl["type"]] factories = {} keys = {} for name, parameter in class_.params.items(): try: value = decl[name] except KeyError as error: if parameter.required: raise KeyError(f"Parameter '{name}' is required") from error continue factory = factory_creator(value, imports, parameter.ptype) if factory.is_unpack: raise ValueError("Use array unpack in object value is not allowed") factories[name] = factory keys.update(factory.keys) if "+" in decl: unpack_factory = mapping_unpack_factory_creator(decl["+"], PTYPE.Mapping) keys.update(unpack_factory.keys) self._unpack_factory = unpack_factory self._factories = factories self.keys = keys self.class_ = class_ def __call__(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> PortexType: """Apply the input arguments to the type template. Arguments: kwargs: The input arguments. Returns: The applied Portex type. """ return self.class_(**self.transform_kwargs(kwargs))
[docs] def transform_kwargs(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Transform the keyword arguments to what the base type needs. Arguments: kwargs: The input arguments. Returns: The transformed keyword arguments. """ type_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = ( self._unpack_factory(kwargs) if hasattr(self, "_unpack_factory") else {} ) type_kwargs.update({key: factory(kwargs) for key, factory in self._factories.items()}) return type_kwargs
[docs]class ConstantFactory(Factory, Generic[_C]): """The template factory for a constant. Arguments: decl: The constant to be created by the factory. """ def __init__(self, decl: _C) -> None: self._constant: _C = decl self.keys: Dict[str, Any] = {} def __call__(self, _: Dict[str, Any]) -> _C: """Get the constant stored in the factory. Arguments: _: The input arguments. Returns: The constant stored in the factory. """ return self._constant
[docs]class VariableFactory(Factory): """The template factory for a variable. Arguments: decl: The parameter name of the variable. ptype: The parameter type. """ def __init__(self, decl: str, ptype: PTYPE.PType = PTYPE.Any, is_unpack: bool = False) -> None: self.key = decl self.keys = {decl: ptype} self.is_unpack = is_unpack def __call__(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: """Apply the input arguments to the variable template. Arguments: kwargs: The input arguments. Returns: The applied variable. """ return kwargs[self.key]
[docs]class ListFactory(Factory): """The template factory for a list. Arguments: decl: A list template. ptype: The parameter type of the list. """ def __init__(self, decl: List[Any], ptype: PTYPE.PType = PTYPE.Any) -> None: factories = [] keys = {} for value in decl: factory = factory_creator(value, None, ptype) factories.append(factory) keys.update(factory.keys) self._factories = factories self.keys = keys def __call__(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Any]: """Apply the input arguments to the list template. Arguments: kwargs: The input arguments. Returns: The applied list. """ return list(_generate_factory_items(self._factories, kwargs))
[docs]class DictFactory(Factory): """The template factory for a dict. Arguments: decl: A dict template. ptype: The parameter type of the dict. """ def __init__(self, decl: Dict[str, Any], ptype: PTYPE.PType = PTYPE.Any) -> None: factories = {} keys = {} for key, value in decl.items(): if key == "+": unpack_factory = mapping_unpack_factory_creator(value, PTYPE.Mapping) keys.update(unpack_factory.keys) self._unpack_factory = unpack_factory continue factory = factory_creator(value, None, ptype) if factory.is_unpack: raise ValueError("Use array unpack in object value is not allowed") factories[key] = factory keys.update(factory.keys) self._factories = factories self.keys = keys def __call__(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Apply the input arguments to the dict template. Arguments: kwargs: The input arguments. Returns: The applied dict. """ items: Dict[str, Any] = ( self._unpack_factory(kwargs) if hasattr(self, "_unpack_factory") else {} ) items.update({key: factory(kwargs) for key, factory in self._factories.items()}) return items
[docs]class FieldFactory(Factory): """The template factory for a tuple of name and PortexType. Arguments: decl: A dict which indicates a tuple of name and PortexType. """ def __init__(self, decl: Dict[str, Any], imports: Imports) -> None: self.creator: Callable[..., Tuple[str, PortexType]] if "+" in decl and len(decl) == 1: raise ValueError( "Use object unpack for entire record field is not allowed. " "Please use list unpack for fields" ) item = decl.copy() keys = {} condition = string_factory_creator(item.pop("exist_if", True)) keys.update(condition.keys) name_factory = string_factory_creator(item.pop("name"), PTYPE.String) type_factory = type_factory_creator(item, imports) keys.update(name_factory.keys) keys.update(type_factory.keys) self._condition = condition self._name_factory = name_factory self._type_factory = type_factory self.keys = keys def __call__(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Tuple[str, PortexType]]: """Apply the input arguments to the template. Arguments: kwargs: The input arguments. Returns: The applied tuple of name and PortexType. """ if not self._condition(kwargs): return None return self._name_factory(kwargs), self._type_factory(kwargs)
[docs]class FieldsFactory(Factory): """The template factory for a ``Fields``. Arguments: decl: A list which indicates a ``Fields``. """ def __init__(self, decl: List[Union[Dict[str, Any], str]], imports: Imports) -> None: self._factories = [] keys = {} for item in decl: if isinstance(item, dict): factory: Factory = FieldFactory(item, imports) elif isinstance(item, str) and item.startswith("+$"): factory = VariableFactory(item[2:], PTYPE.Fields, True) else: raise ValueError("The items of fields can only be object or list unpack parameter") keys.update(factory.keys) self._factories.append(factory) self.keys = keys def __call__(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Fields: """Apply the input arguments to the ``Fields`` template. Arguments: kwargs: The input arguments. Returns: The applied ``Fields``. """ return Fields( filter( bool, _generate_factory_items(self._factories, kwargs, lambda x: x.items()), ) )
def _generate_factory_items( factories: Iterable[Factory], kwargs: Dict[str, Any], unpack_item_processer: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda x: x, ) -> Iterator[Any]: for factory in factories: item = factory(kwargs) if factory.is_unpack: yield from unpack_item_processer(item) else: yield item
[docs]def mapping_unpack_factory_creator(decl: str, ptype: PTYPE.PType) -> VariableFactory: """Check the object unpack grammar and returns the corresponding factory. Arguments: decl: The parameter decalaration. ptype: The parameter type of the input. Raises: ValueError: When the object unpack grammar is incorrect. Returns: A ``VariableFactory`` instance according to the input. """ if not decl.startswith("$"): raise ValueError("The decl does not have the correct object unpack grammar") return VariableFactory(decl[1:], ptype)
[docs]def type_factory_creator( decl: Dict[str, Any], imports: Imports ) -> Union[TypeFactory, VariableFactory]: """Check the input and returns the corresponding type factory. Arguments: decl: A dict which indicates a portex type or has object unpack grammar. imports: The :class:`Imports` instance to specify the import scope of the template. Raises: ValueError: When setting the type name as a parameter. Returns: A ``TypeFactory`` or a ``VariableFactory`` instance. """ if "type" not in decl: return mapping_unpack_factory_creator(decl["+"], PTYPE.PortexType) if decl["type"].startswith("$"): raise ValueError( "Setting the type name as a parameter is not allowed. Please use object unpack grammar" ) return TypeFactory(decl, imports)
[docs]def string_factory_creator( decl: str, ptype: PTYPE.PType = PTYPE.Any ) -> Union[VariableFactory, ConstantFactory[str]]: """Check whether the input string is variable and returns the corresponding factory. Arguments: decl: A string which indicates a constant or a variable. ptype: The parameter type of the string. Returns: A ``VariableFactory`` or a ``ConstantFactory`` instance according to the input. """ if isinstance(decl, str) and decl.startswith("$"): return VariableFactory(decl[1:], ptype) return ConstantFactory(decl)
[docs]def factory_creator( # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements decl: Any, imports: Optional[Imports], ptype: PTYPE.PType = PTYPE.Any ) -> Factory: """Check input type and returns the corresponding factory. Arguments: decl: A template which indicates any Portex object. imports: The :class:`Imports` instance to specify the import scope of the template. ptype: The parameter type of the input. Returns: A ``Factory`` instance according the input. """ if isinstance(decl, str): if decl.startswith("$"): return VariableFactory(decl[1:], ptype) if decl.startswith("+$"): return VariableFactory(decl[2:], PTYPE.Array, True) if ptype == PTYPE.PortexType: assert isinstance(decl, dict) assert imports is not None return type_factory_creator(decl, imports) if ptype == PTYPE.Fields: assert isinstance(decl, list) assert imports is not None return FieldsFactory(decl, imports) if isinstance(decl, list): return ListFactory(decl, ptype) if isinstance(decl, dict): return DictFactory(decl, ptype) return ConstantFactory(decl)